I never had a policy; I have just
tried to do my very best each
and every day.
~Abraham Lincoln
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to
none. ~William Shakespeare
Transcend political correctness
and strive for human
~Anthony J. D'Angelo
Character is doing the right thing
whennobody's looking. There are
too many people who think that the
only thing that's right is to get by, and
the only thing that's wrong is to get
caught. ~J.C. Watts
If you have integrity, nothing else
matters. If you don't have integrity,
nothing else matters.
~Alan Simpson
Character is much easier kept than
recovered. ~Thomas Paine
There is no pillow so soft as a clear
conscience. ~French Proverb
Don't try to be different. Just be
good. To be good is different enough.
~Arthur Freed
Your life may be the only Bible
some people read.
~Author Unknown
Try not to become a man of success
but rather try to become a man
of value. ~Albert Einstein
The only exercise some people get is
jumping to conclusions, running
down their friends, side-stepping
responsibility, and pushing their luck!
~Author Unknown
Every job is a self-portrait of the
person who does it. Autograph your
work with excellence.
~Author Unknown
You can easily judge the character of
a man by how he treats those who can
do nothing for him.
~James D. Miles
My country is the world, and my
religion is to do good.
~Thomas Paine
A man has to live with himself, and
he should see to it that he always
has good company.
~Charles Evans Hughes
You do not wake up one morning
a bad person. It happens by a
thousand tiny surrenders of
self-respect to self-interest.
~Robert Brault,
A pure hand needs no glove to
cover it. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne,
The Scarlet Letter
To know what is right and not do
it is the worst cowardice.
We judge ourselves by what we feel
capable of doing, while others judge
us by what we have already done.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
Kavanagh, 1849
Goodness is the only investment
that never fails.
~Henry David Thoreau
In matters of principle, stand like
a rock; in matters of taste, swim
with the current.
~Thomas Jefferson
It takes less time to do a thing right,
than it does to explain why you
did it wrong.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
God grant me the courage not to
give up what I think is right even
though I think it is hopeless.
~Chester W. Nimitz
Goodness is beauty in the best
~Christopher Marlowe
The line separating good and evil
passes not through states, nor between
political parties either - but right
through every human heart.
~Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Men are not punished for their sins,
but by them.
~Elbert Hubbard
Sometimes, to do the right thing,
we must keep a promise we
never made. ~Robert Brault
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