Thursday, May 17, 2012


Парад воздушных шаров

TEACHER: What are you writing?
PUPIL: A letter to myself.
TEACHER: What does it say?

PUPIL: I don't know. I won't get it till tomorrow.

Парад воздушных шаров

TEACHER: Where is your pencil, Harmon?
PUPIL: I ain't got none.
TEACHER: How many times have I told you not to say that, Harmon?
Now listen: I do not have a pencil. You do not have a pencil.
They do not have a pencil. Now, do you understand?
PUPIL: Not really. What happened to all the pencils?

Парад воздушных шаров

TEACHER: Want to hear the story about the broken pencil?
PUPIL: No, thanks, I'm sure it has no point.

Парад воздушных шаров

TEACHER: Why do they say the pen is mightier than the sword?
PUPIL: Because no one has yet invented a ballpoint sword.

Парад воздушных шаров

Fred did a report about the phone book.
He wrote: "This book hasn't got much of a plot, but boy, what a cast!"

Парад воздушных шаров

Mrs. Johnson asked the class to write a composition about what they
would do if they had a million dollars. Everyone except Fannie began
to write. Fannie twiddled her thumbs and looked out the window.
When Mrs. Johnson collected the papers, Fannie's sheet was blank. "Fannie," said Mrs. Johnson, "everyone has written two pages or more, but you've done nothing. Why is that?"
                   "Nothing is what I'd do," replied Fannie, "if I had a million dollars."

Парад воздушных шаров

TEACHER : Fred, your ideas are like diamonds.
FRED: You mean they're so valuable?
TEACHER: No, I mean they're so rare.

Парад воздушных шаров

TEACHER: Your poem is the worst in the class. It's not only ungrammatical,
it's rude and in bad taste. I'm going to send your father a note about it.
PUPIL: I don't think that would help, teacher. He wrote it.

Парад воздушных шаров

What language do they speak in Cuba ?
Cubic !

Парад воздушных шаров

What is an archaeologist ?
Someone who's career is in ruins !

Парад воздушных шаров

What holds the sun up in the sky ?
Sunbeams !

Парад воздушных шаров

Where do hamsters come ?
Hampsterdam !

Парад воздушных шаров

Why do polar bears have fur coats ?
Because they would look silly in anoraks !

Парад воздушных шаров

Why are goldfish red ?
The water turns them rusty !

Парад воздушных шаров

Where does success come before work ?
In the dictionary !

Парад воздушных шаров

Why did cavemen draw pictures of hippopotamuses and
rhinoceroses on their walls ?

Because they couldn't spell their names !

Парад воздушных шаров

What animals are on legal documents ?
Seals !

Парад воздушных шаров

Why are astronauts successful people ?
Because they always go up in the world !

Парад воздушных шаров

What's an insect's favourite sport ?
Cricket !

Парад воздушных шаров

What might you eat in Paris ?
The trifle tower !

Парад воздушных шаров

What happens when you throw a green stone in the red sea ?
It gets wet !

Парад воздушных шаров

What has two humps and is found at the North Pole ?
A lost camel !

Парад воздушных шаров

Why is the time in the USA behind that of England ?
Because England was discovered before the USA !

Парад воздушных шаров

What do elves do after school ?
Gnomework !

Парад воздушных шаров

What is a polygon ?
A dead parrot !

Парад воздушных шаров

How do we know that the Earth won't come to an end ?
Because it's round !

Парад воздушных шаров

What are prehistoric monsters called when they sleep ?
A dinosnore !

Парад воздушных шаров

Why doesn't the sea spill over the earth ?
Because it's tied !

Парад воздушных шаров

Who was the Black Prince ?
The son of Old King Coal !

Парад воздушных шаров

What has forty feet and sings ?
The school choir !

Парад воздушных шаров

Who was the world's greatest thief ?
Atlas, because he held up the whole world !

Парад воздушных шаров

Why does a flamingo lift up one leg ?
Because if he lifted up both legs it would fall over !

Парад воздушных шаров

What is a skeleton ?
Bones, with the person off !

Парад воздушных шаров


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