Friday, June 15, 2012

FRANCIS M. MARROUCH – Art in watercolor


A French – Spanish artist

Francis M. Marrouch,  comes from a family of artists, nevertheless, his love for painting began late, but the discovery of watercolor soon became a passion for him.

Nature has marked his life and pictorial themes for many years, because as a geologist he could explore areas in the  most remote places of Africa and America. Francis found in watercolor, for ease of handling and speed of execution a perfect medium to paint nature around him.

He has a realistic style, sometimes hyper-realistic, working wet on dry, although he is gradually incorporating wet on wet technique in his paintings.

He currently lives in Galicia, a haven for lovers of sea and nature. Primarily devoted to representing seascapes,  recently he has also painted urban scenes of La Coruña, his hometown, with great success.

In July 2011 he won First prize in the “XIV Concurso de Pintura” Arguelles painter. In June 2009 he was awarded a second price in the “Concurso de Pintura Bello Piñeiro”  in Murgados town.

Francis has also been selected in the last two editions of the National Watercolor Competition of Caudete city (Albacete).

His works can be found in private collections in Spain and France





































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